Taprobane – Taste of Ceylon

Walk into the intricately adorned portals of Taprobane and delve into the rich tapestry of aromas, flavours, and cultural nuances that encapsulate the essence of Sri Lanka. With its enticing mantra, “Taste of Ceylon,” the establishment seamlessly weaves together influences from the historical Silk Road to the vibrant streets of contemporary Sri Lanka, where the hum of tuk-tuks mingles with tantalising scents wafting from kitchen corners.

Umesh and Shreeni Randeniya, the proprietors of Taprobane, are the driving force behind this immersive experience. Shreeni was illuminated by Umesh’s unwavering commitment not only to crafting a menu that honours Sri Lanka’s diverse palate but also to curating an ambiance that evokes genuine nostalgia for those who have roots there and sparks curiosity for those yet to explore its wonders. Taprobane is, undeniably, Umesh’s brainchild; every detail, from the intricately carved furnishings to the curated artifacts adorning the walls, reflects his singular vision. Each element is meticulously handcrafted in Sri Lanka, tailored to fit seamlessly into the establishment’s space.

Every facet of Taprobane is bespoke, from the artisanal bar to the bespoke paintings, and even the clay pots specially crafted to complement the flavours of their extensive menu. And speaking of the menu, the culinary centerpiece of Taprobane is its exquisite cuisine. To ensure the authenticity and integrity of each dish, Umesh has assembled a team of chefs from Sri Lanka to helm the kitchen, infusing every creation with the true essence of the island’s culinary heritage.

The Sri Lankan Fish Cutlets, also known as Fish Croquettes, offered at Taprobane were a delightful culinary experience. Each bite was a harmonious blend of crispy, crunchy exterior and tender, flavourful filling, composed of sailfish and potato. The texture contrast between the golden-brown crust and the succulent interior created a symphony of flavours that left a lasting impression. The subtle spices infused throughout enhanced the natural sweetness of the fish, resulting in a dish that was both comforting and indulgent. With each bite, the savory aroma of the sea mingled with the earthy notes of potato, evoking a sense of nostalgia and warmth.

The Issa Vadai, featuring a crispy fritter of blended ‘chana’ dhal and spices delicately encasing a large, whole unshelled prawn, was a tantalising delight at Taprobane. With its perfectly crisp exterior and succulent, flavourful interior, each bite offered a symphony of textures and tastes. The marriage of the fragrant spices with the natural sweetness of the prawn created a harmonious balance that was truly exquisite.

Indulging in Hoppers at Taprobane was a culinary journey worth savouring. The delicate bowl-shaped pancakes, crafted from a batter of rice flour and coconut milk, showcased a perfect balance of textures and flavours. Crispy along the edges yet irresistibly soft and fluffy in the centre, each bite offered a delightful contrast. Served with a tantalising array of accompaniments, including a fiery chili relish and sweet, smoky caramelized onions, the hoppers at Taprobane elevated the dining experience to new heights. Whether enjoyed plain or with a luscious egg nestled within, every bite was a testament to the artistry and authenticity of Sri Lankan cuisine.

The String Hoppers at Taprobane were a culinary masterpiece that delighted the senses. Each delicately woven circle of steamed dough was a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the chefs. Soft, fluffy, and intricately lacy, the string hoppers offered a unique texture that complemented the hearty flavours of the dhal curry and the vibrant freshness of the coconut sambal. With each bite, the interplay of savoury and spicy notes danced on the palate, transporting diners to the vibrant streets of Sri Lanka. Taprobane’s rendition of this classic dish was a true celebration of tradition and flavour, leaving a lasting impression of culinary excellence.

The Biryani at Taprobane was an aromatic symphony that captivated the senses from the first glance to the last bite. Served in a steaming hot bamboo cylinder, the dish exuded an irresistible fragrance that hinted at the layers of flavour within. Each spoonful of the perfectly cooked rice, infused with tender chicken and a medley of spices, transported diners on a culinary journey through the heart of South Asia. Accompanied by cooling raita, homemade chutney, and rich curry gravy, the Biryani at Taprobane was a harmonious balance of flavours and textures that left a lasting impression of culinary excellence.

Indulging in Wattalappan at Taprobane were some of the final steps in a memorable dining experience. This traditional Sri Lankan dessert, crafted with jaggery, treacle, coconut milk, spices, and cashews, showcased the rich tapestry of flavours synonymous with Sri Lankan cuisine. With each spoonful, diners were treated to a luxurious blend of creamy coconut milk, the earthy sweetness of jaggery and treacle, and a tantalising hint of spices. The addition of cashews provided a delightful crunch, adding depth to the velvety texture of the dessert. Taprobane’s rendition of Wattalappan was a true homage to tradition, offering a perfect balance of sweetness and spice that lingered on the palate long after the last bite.

The Pani Pol Pancakes at Taprobane were a delightful fusion of flavours and textures that left a lasting impression. Each pancake, with its delicate outer layer, encapsulated a decadent filling of sweet coconut, creating a harmonious blend of sweetness and richness. Served alongside homemade ice cream, the dish reached new heights of indulgence, with the creamy coolness of the ice cream perfectly complementing the warm, comforting flavours of the pancake.

The Bibikkan dessert at Taprobane was a delightful journey into Sri Lankan culinary heritage. This traditional coconut cake, steeped in rich flavours and cultural significance, offered a taste of authenticity that transported diners to the heart of Sri Lanka. With each bite, the sweetness of the coconut melded seamlessly with aromatic spices, creating a symphony of flavours that lingered on the palate. Served alongside homemade ice cream, the Bibikkan reached new heights of indulgence, with the creamy texture of the ice cream perfectly complementing the dense, moist cake.

The Pani-cadju ice cream at Taprobane was a delightful symphony of flavours that captivated the taste buds with every spoonful. The creamy texture of the ice cream was perfectly balanced by the rich sweetness of treacle and the satisfying crunch of peanuts, creating a delightful contrast of textures and tastes. Served in generous portions of three scoops, each bite was a harmonious blend of indulgence and satisfaction. Taprobane’s rendition of this unique dessert was a testament to their creativity and dedication to offering innovative twists on traditional flavours, providing a sweet conclusion to an unforgettable dining experience.

While Taprobane offers familiar dishes that many would readily recognise, it also boasts a diverse selection that encourages diners to explore new flavours and culinary experiences. Recognising that some guests may prefer sticking to the tried and tested, especially when faced with the uncertainty of new flavours, Taprobane offers buffet options on specific Sunday nights, which is announced through their social media channels. Shreeni expresses immense pride, emphasising the immersive atmosphere of Taprobane that transports diners to Sri Lanka beyond just the culinary offerings. She notes the excitement among Sri Lankan patrons who find the experience akin to being in their homeland, highlighting the unique appeal of Taprobane as a cultural destination beyond just a dining establishment.

WHERE: 60 Unley Road, Unley

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